Monday, August 4, 2008

Another day

The scout committee is having a meeting over in the other room so I figured I would make good on my time and write another blog post.
Not much had happened since last I wrote to be entirely honest, but I think that is more related to my living in Nac. On the eventful side, one of my good friends got married this weekend and the next day half of my siblings went to camp. It is nice to be down a couple of girls, as this leads to a much quieter house (go figure Mary doesn't shriek when she doesn't have two sisters egging her on). Other than that, there has been little change for us.
On the less eventful side, I completed the painful task of ordering books for my brother and me. I managed to spend $500 on Amazon in fifteen minutes, but I think we still managed to save several hundred dollars. There will be a few books he and I will have to buy in College Station so we will be visiting Lupot's. I really like Lupot's for a couple of reasons. First it was founded by Old Army Lou who was a Cadet and was famous for doing things like bailing out cadets when the Corps went on Corps trips. The second is that Lupot's has the best cadet supplies department I have found which greatly simplifies my life. Finally Lupot's gives back money to the outfits of cadets who buy books from them.
All in all I am ready to start school (break out of the dulls) and look forward to wearing my boots.