Thursday, May 7, 2009

Brass Pass Down

Brass Pass Down
Originally uploaded by orfearing
So it seems that I need to change subjects if I am going to maintain this blog...I'm just not that great at at talking about me. So seeing as I enjoy photography and I just got a new camera (Cannon Digital Rebel XSi, very cool), I'm gonna start posting and commenting on pictures I take. I should post once or twice a week, so if I don't, feel free to bombard me with hate comments or something. I am no posting on flickr so if you want to check out some more pictures take a look at You can also friend me on facebook if you want...just search for Ross Fearing in the Texas A&M network.
I decided to start off with one of my favorite pictures from March to the Brazos. Here my buddy (on top) is wrestling with her replacement for a hat. After this some pushups will be done and the other girl will be the 2nd wing XO.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

1 Month to Spring Break

Sorry I missed posting last week. I had drill and left my computer in College Station because the Internet in our hotel costs, and besides a weekend without a computer can be a good thing.
I spent this rather rainy Valentine's Day watching an indoor track meet and the women's basketball game. We got to see the men's and women's 60 meter hurdles and dash and stand in awe of their speed and later watched the first few heats of the 1 mile. All I can say to that is I wish I could run a 4 something mile. Since the beginning of the school year I have now attended 49 events...only 23 more to go to get get my Adidas 12'th man branded watch (in addition to the 12'th man t-shirt, backpack, and softball jersey, I have already earned).
Yesterday I had my first exam (World Literature). It wasn't very hard, out of 6 pages of questions there were only two 1 point questions I couldn't answer. That is one of the big pluses of taking a freshman/sophomore class--they don't like to fail people.
This last week I also arranged to visit Westminster Dallas Campus next month. Hopefully it will go well; so far it is the only seminary I have been able to get much information from or contact with.
Other than that, not much going. As I said above, 1 month and three exams to spring break.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Another Day Another Dollar

Two weeks down, 10% of regular school days completed (according to my friend Daniel). This week took the dive into Luke. So far we have completed the first 39 verses and have the next 27 assigned. As I'm not that good at Greek, that translates to about 3 hours of translating for each assignment. Having 8 o'clocks has turned out well just because it gets me up in the morning and I get a bunch of homework done. Last night I even had time to go out to the Texas Hall of Fame (the best dance hall in BCS). I had a good time, now just time to learn to dance :)
Today was the last swim meet. The men swam against SMU. We ended losing by one point, heartbreaking considering that night our best diver both of his previous score records. Tomorrow we have basketball games against OSU (men) and KU (women). The men have to win; after playing OU, KU, t.u., and some others our record is rather weak. At least we beat tech.
My buddies, some friends, and I made an intramural soccer team and out first game is this Wednesday.
Well not much else going on this week so here's to a couple of good basketball games.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Aggie Athletics Day

Yesterday I spent most of the day at various sporting events. First we went to the joint swim meet against LSU. The women swam really well and when we left we cruising to any easy win. The men's side was a lot closer but they ended up losing by 10 points. After swimming we went over to the tennis stadium to watch the first women's event of the semester. It was very cold out there, so after about 45 minutes we moved on to the joint track meet.
This track meet was the first meet in the new indoor track stadium. Its so big they can run all the track events under the same roof. Both of our track teams did really well and won their meets.
Church today was pretty good. We had out first college lunch of the semester and that was a lot of fun. Its nice to be able to hang out instead of rushing back to the dorm to get things done.
Here's to an easy week (I hope)

Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm Back

I'm posting as I watch another episode of Battlestar Galatica Classic. For a 70's show its really quite enjoyable. I really like how they launch their fighters out of launch tubes, giving them the ability to scramble very quickly as opposed to the Star Wars notion of launching out of hangers. Right now Baltar is organizing a prison break. He's quite a clever schemer.
This week hasn't been a bad first week, minus the excess homework for a first week of school. New Testament Greek is the main culprit-I've already spent about six hours translating forty verses from John and all of Second John. I must admit his Greek is (thankfully) very simple. Most of his verse construction is along the lines of one person said "..." and another replied "...". We are supposed to start Luke and do some Acts eventually. Yesterday we also talked about textual criticism and the manuscripts from which the New Testament was compiled. It turns out that there are four main groups of manuscripts that are used. The Western, Byzantine, Alexandrian, and the Neutral. Its all rather interesting; I hope I can survive the workload.
This evening we went to the women's swim meet against the 'sips. They lost by twenty points or so, but still swam quite well. Two of the swimmers go to RUF so its always fun to support them. One of them swam a solid leg in the freestyle relay. She held us neck and neck with a very fast swimmer. A bunch of my buddies and some other friends all went so we had a good size group. Tomorrow we will be going to a swim meet, tennis meet, and indoor track meet. It should be quite a good day, and after all the events we might go play a bit of volleyball.
Well here's looking to a fun weekend.