Sunday, January 25, 2009

Aggie Athletics Day

Yesterday I spent most of the day at various sporting events. First we went to the joint swim meet against LSU. The women swam really well and when we left we cruising to any easy win. The men's side was a lot closer but they ended up losing by 10 points. After swimming we went over to the tennis stadium to watch the first women's event of the semester. It was very cold out there, so after about 45 minutes we moved on to the joint track meet.
This track meet was the first meet in the new indoor track stadium. Its so big they can run all the track events under the same roof. Both of our track teams did really well and won their meets.
Church today was pretty good. We had out first college lunch of the semester and that was a lot of fun. Its nice to be able to hang out instead of rushing back to the dorm to get things done.
Here's to an easy week (I hope)

1 comment:

e said...

Loads of meets...! Our tennis meets here are conducted in a closed, locked facility. They're too snooty to permit any plebeians onto the premises even to cheer for them. Hope your RUF is going well, too.