Friday, January 4, 2008


This being the first presidential election that I will have a voice in, I have been paying attention to the different candidates to find which ones I think I could vote for. To be honest I have been fairly disappointed with the slate, as I really felt that there weren't any major candidates that I could vote for, leaving me with the option of trying to find and independent I agree with or not voting in the presidential election. Last week my mother suggested I at least look at Huckabee and after reading his website and looking at his position on many things I care about I think I have found someone to vote for. While he is still more fiscally liberal than I might go for, I like his stands on changing tax law, national security, and foreign diplomacy. He is also a supporter of Fair Tax which would greatly improve the tax law in this country. You should go take a look at his website.


e said...

I've been following the Iowa primaries over here. BBC News is very interested in the American elections. So far I hadn't really been too enthusiastic either until I saw that Huckabee and Obama were both taking the lead over Ms. Clinton. It's definitely going to be a close race. Thanks for posting Huckabee's website--I'll have to take a look.

Logan said...

I understand your feeling on not really liking the runners this year. Everyone has some disappointments.

I thought Ron Paul was interesting at first but he seemed to only be concerned about doing everything according to the constitution. It's not an infallible document and other decisions need to be made.

I've also looked at Huckabee and I was somewhat pleasantly surprised. Still very uncertain though

ardick said...

One would think that one would be posting about senior boots and ring. Surely we will hear about these soon?

Lisa said...

Okay, now what? You have two choices. Let's hear the cogitations.