Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bonfire Rembrance

Today eight years ago at 2:42 am, not a mile from my dorm, the bonfire stack collapsed leading to the death of 12 Aggies. This morning, at 2:42, Aggies gathered at the Bonfire Memorial in the cold and wet, to remember those Aggies and to comfort their families. One of those Aggies was a freshman in my outfit. He had relieved his old lady on the stack just minutes before the stack collapsed. As rescue workers attempted to free trapped students, he lay on the stack severely injured, directing the workers to others students. He told them "I'm alright, go get him out" until he was told that they needed to move him so that they could save others. He died in the hospital a day later, the last of the twelve. As the years roll on, the memory of Bonfire has faded and the size of the group at the memorial has shrunk. If you are a student here at A&M, don't forget those Aggies, and remember that Aggies are known for what they do, not for themselves, but for what they do for those around them.


Unknown said...

I'll never forget that day - it was horrendously sad - those kids were doing something they loved - being a part of a tradition that is part of being an Aggie. I know many tears were shed that day along with mine. One doesn't need to have known any of those kids to have been saddened by the loss. Thanks for the reminder of what we're called to be and do - as Christians first, Aggies second!

Thanks, Cadet Homer! Looking forward to seeing you at Christmas..
Love ya - Aunt Susan

Bet said...

Cadet Homer, I remember when the bonfire accident occurred. I kept the tv on all day, finding it hard to believe. There have been a lot of things done to remember the students who died, and I am so proud of that.
Your mom, Peter, Lillian, Annalee, and Mary are here tonight, and we'll have dinner soon. They'll leave for Aunt Susan's and get up at the crack of dawn to leave for Mexico. Mom and Mary are spending the night.
Have a great Thanksgiving, and maybe we'll see you Friday. Gig 'em, Bet