Thursday, November 15, 2007

Fun times in Greek

So as well as studying mechanical engineering, I am also taking a class on Greek. A major part of the class has been doing in class readings. In these readings we have met a Greek farmer, Dicaiopolis, his family, and his lazy slave, Xanthias. Right now you have to feel kind of sorry for Dicaiopolis because in the past two weeks his son has been struck blind in a wrestling match and the doctor told Dicaiopolis to sail to Epidaurus so that he can pray to the god of healing for his son. So now Dicaiopolis, a poor farmer, is at a port feeling very small and lost. I have and will continue to translate with anticipation.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I always wonder what kind of people write the stories for learning to read. Mary is in the middle of hers, and they must have to go through a great deal to get the words in that they want and still make it easy enough so she can figure it out. Her stories aren't tragedies, though. Must be because they aren't Greek.