Thursday, November 22, 2007

Elephants and Bonfire

It was an eventful Tuesday! First we had elephant walk. Elephant walk is a long standing tradition at A&M where the senior class walks around the campus like dying elephants, visiting all the important places on campus. The significance of this walk is that once they graduate they will not stand in the student section of the stands ever again. What this event means to us juniors is that '08 has died and that we are very close to taking the reins of the Corps from them.

Later that night, thanks to some much needed rain, we got to burn bonfire. As the bonfire is no longer built on campus, we have to deal with county regulations and such to be able to burn it. It has been so dry here that Robertson county had enacted a burn ban and only lifted it because we received three inches of rain over the weekend.
Despite bonfire being off-campus now, it continues to be a great unifying event for all those that participate in cut, stack, and burn. It gives students a chance to get out and work (rather competitively) towards a common goal every year. As we do as much of bonfire by hand as we can, it requires a massive effort from many students to successfully build.
There seemed to be a good turnout to burn and everyone had a good time. We should beat t.u. this year as the centerpole stood past midnight thanks to the more stable design that is used to build bonfire now. I hope everyone is having a good thanksgiving and standby for another post after we beat the hell outta t.u.


ardick said...

Hey Homer! are you sure you are not trying to emulate some greek author or something. Anyway, call your grammy. She wants to talk to you!

Lisa said...

Neat picture.

Lisa said...

The predictor worked this year. But the coach didn't stay. Was that predicted by the Bonfire, too?

Unknown said...

I was thinking of you on Saturday. I hope you had a grand time at the game....I was so happy to hear that A&M won that game! We had company, but I still gave a big whoop when I heard about it. Thanks for the photo of bon fire. I didn't realize y'all still had it. It is a pretty site.

Petr said...

"Inferno" is probably the best term to describe said picture.