Sunday, December 9, 2007


Its been a while since I last posted, but not much as happened. We are now in the middle of finals (hence the long break from posting) and its gotten rather difficult to focus on school anymore. I just got back from my National Guard drill. We had a Christmas party for the entire unit and me and the other A&M cadets got to wear our A&M Corps uniforms to the party. One of the A&M cadets is a senior so we even had boots there. Its was pretty fun. I got to show off all the different parts of my uniform to several of the soldiers which was interesting as there is little correlation between the Corps and Army uniforms. Capt. Singleton (out CO) is doing what he can to make out drill experience as useful as possible by giving us different assignments and relating what we do back to the active duty experience. So far the National Guard has been good for me.

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