Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sunny and clear

As some of you may know, I do bible studies for some of the cadets in my outfit. Last night I was doing a bible study for the sophamore class that went really well. I am going through the book "Knowing God" by GI Packer and we were on a chapter focused on God's wisdom. The chapter went through how we can see God's wisdom working in the lives of the Patriarchs as well as our own lives. The point he was driving home was that the trials that we go through have a purpose. I was encouraging to see how God started with someone as weak as Abraham and built him into the figure. The best part of the night was that the one sophamore I was teaching to really seemed to go from not understanding the point, to getting it and then really appreciating the power of what was said. Oh and the weather here after the storm has been beautiful-not too hot and not too cold.

1 comment:

e said...

That's a really good book. Good to hear, too, that you're leading a study on it. Hope it continues to go well.